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Outsourced CFO

Monthly Retainer Fee of

$500 - $4000/Month

Outsourced CFO Services

Our Outsourced CFO offering is designed to help busy business owners & their family free up valuable time managing different aspects of your personal and business finances. 


Click on the icons below to learn more abut our services offered through out Outsourced Business Owner Package. 


If the complete offering displayed below is not for you, we offer Executive Benefit planning, 401k & Retirement plans, & Investment Management outside of our Outsourced CFO Service Offering. 

Business Services Circle

Legal Structure

Choosing the right legal structure for your business is crucial. We understand the importance of this decision & our team of experts is here to guide you through the process.  

Tax Planning & Tax Preparation

Having a CPA you can trust included in your circle of Financial Professionals is essential to minimizing risk, staying up to date with laws & regulations, and optimizing your strategy for long-term success. 

Payroll Service

Save time by outsourcing your payroll services. Our experts are here to support your payroll needs at any complexity so you can peace of mind knowing your employees are receiving accurate & compliant pay without the need to calculate all the deductions.  

Business Agreements

Crafting clear and legally binding agreements is essential for protecting your business relationships and interests. Having well drafted agreements that clearly outline rights, responsibilities, and expectations of all parties is just one way we can help.  

Group Health Insurance

Group Health Insurance is designed to meet the need of businesses of any size. With the help of our experts, you can implement comprehensive coverage for your employees without having to navigate all the complexities of finding the best coverage for your unique situation. 


Bookkeeping can be time consuming and stressful. With our team of experts, you can rest easy knowing your books will be accurate, while following all new guidelines for expense deductions and classifications. 

Executive Benefit Planning

Executive Benefit Planning is essential to attracting and retaining top talent. We offer comprehensive planning services designed to reward and incentivize your key team members while aligning with your business objectives.  

Property & Casualty Insurance

Comprehensive Property and Casualty coverage is essential for protecting your assets, and protecting against any unforeseen risks providing you peace of mind and assisting in your financial security. 

Business Sale Planning

Selling a business is a significant decisions that requires careful planning and execution. We are here to guide you through the process and be your go-to resource for all this related to your sale planning, while working to help maximize the value of your business.  

401k & Retirement Plans

401K and Retirement Planning is designed to help individuals and businesses make informed decisions about their financial futures. Help your employees plan for retirement and establish the resources they need to plan for their financial future. 

Bank Loan Analysis

Making informed decisions about borrowing is essential for individuals and businesses alike. We are here to provide insight and support to help you navigate the loan process with confidence.

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