Investment Management
Investment Management Services
Annually from
0.60% To 1.50%
Separately or in addition to a “Total Wealth Management” relationship with our firm, we assist our clients in the overall design and management of their investments.
As a fiduciary advisor, we do not solicit investment products or have preferred provider relationships. We do not internally hold custody of any of our clients' investments assets. We partner with the world's best in class money managers and have access to every investment under the sun as a top fiduciary financial advisor should.
Investors feelings toward "risk" often change based upon the current performance of the stock market. In good markets investors often want to be more aggressive for "fear of missing out", when markets go down they want to avoid loss and become more conservative. This flip-flop is many times due to not having a sound process behind selecting investments. Our experienced fiduciary financial advisors understand to leave these emotions out of the important decision making.
How we determine our clients investment portfolio:
We start by understanding how many years the client is away from retirement, or as we like to call it, the clients "work optional date".
Using our industry leading software eMoney, we show the client the exact amount that they are spending each month, which determines their overall lifestyle cost that will need to be replaced in retirement. Most new clients don't really know what they spend and study's show that almost all American's have more than a 20% error rate when asked to estimate their total monthly spend. Almost all advisors go off of the clients estimates in building retirement analysis.
Once the exact monthly spend is determined we then factor in above average life expectancy expectations (better to die with money than try to live without it), add up all income streams during retirement such as pensions, socials security expectations, and other income and determine both the total income income and total retirement lifestyle expenses.
With all of the above we can now see the most important piece of information in the process.....the clients "personal rate of return" needed or their "PRR". This number represents what rate of return their money to grow at each year in order for them to achieve their desired retirement lifestyle.
Our Investment design process reflects how institutions, corporations, and non-profits build their own investment policies.
Many investment advisors build investment recommendations by asking the client what they spend instead of showing the client what they ARE spending. The advisor then builds a recommendation based around his/her personal opinion on how the client should be invested, as opposed to finding the exact rate of return the client will need to not run of of money.